haha..countdown-ing again.... i was so blur this morning as i m having aural final exam.. i thought tat 10am is the dictation part n 2pm is the practical part..mana tahu, i mix up...haiz..so blur of me... the practical part was ok..the dictation part was badly done... and now i should focus on my graduation performance... went out for jamming just now, evything is fine.. hopefully it will be fine on that day too... so tired now.... just finished writing the cover of my program notes... missing my bed, missing my fatty bear, missing my brownie, missing everyone, missing my dearest dear..... two more days, just two more days, stay strong, after that, i can go to anywhere and i can do anything that i wanted to do.... friends are leaving msg to me in msn to cheer and support me, thanks to all of my dear friends, i knew some of u couldn't make it, but, your encouragement means a lot to me... *
touched* i am about to sleep..have a sweet night... ^_^